Goodreads Summary: Chase Williams is a demon hunter in the Circle, or at least he was supposed to be. On his fifteenth birthday, Chase stepped up to the altar to claim his elemental power, but it never came. Elemental magic is passed down to a hunter through the bloodline, but on Chase's birthday, the bloodline stopped.
Exiled without the Circle's protection, Chase has spent two years trying to survive a world riddled with half-demons and magic. When he has a run in with a frightened and seemingly innocent demon, he learns the Circle's agenda has changed: the Circle plans to unlock a portal and unleash pure-blood demons into the world. Vowing to stop them, and knowing he can't do it alone, Chase forms a reluctant alliance with Rayna — a sexy witch with an attitude and a secret.
In their attempt to stop them, Chase and Rayna find themselves in the middle of the Circle's plan, leaving one of them to decide what their friendship is worth, and the other's life depending on it.
Title: Exiled
Series: The Protector #1
Author: M.R. Merrick
Publisher: Self Published
Release Date: First published June 2011
Source: Author for an honest review - for tour of third book Release
This is a fantastic fantasy covering demons, warlocks,
witches and their hunters. It was a fantastic first book in the series, a great
introduction into the lives of Chase and Rayna.
Chase is a seventeen year old boy that has only known the
life of a hunter. Hunters have special abilities and allow them to heal faster,
be quicker and stronger than an ordinary human. Chase is the son of parents
that both have hunters blood. Three years ago, Chase was to go through the hunter’s
ritual to bring on his elemental powers. The only problem is that Chase didn't get his and his father was so disgusted that he exiled Chase with his mother.
Three years go by and Chase does his bit by killing demons,
which is all he knows. But now something has changed and demons are following
him everywhere and attacking him. Living with his Mother they are working constantly
to make ends meet and to look out for each other. Then one night on his way
home from work, Chase is attacked. While trying to get the upper hand somebody
comes by and kills the demon before Chase can finish the job. Rayna is part witch,
part hunter and has become a hunter like Chase. Marcus has taken her under his
wing and together they go hunting. They have asked Chase to join their cause.
Chase doesn't know what to think, Marcus was meant to be
dead and why is he working with a half-breed? Demons start to get kidnapped and
Marcus, Chase and Rayna are not sure what is going on. They begin investigating
the disappearances and find themselves in more trouble.
Who are kidnapping the demons? Why are they kidnapping
demons? How much trouble can Chase and Rayna find? Will Chase ever receive his
elemental power?
This book is full to the brim of awesomeness. Chase’s
character has so much potential to evolve into the man that every reader wants
him to become. He realises life isn't just about killing demons and that maybe
some of them aren't that bad after all. And maybe, just maybe there may be some
loving for him and Rayna (I hope so, I will have to read Shift to find out).
This book has inter-dimensional travel, magic beyond your imaginations and
demons of all descriptions. The world that Mr Merrick has written is unique
with red and green grass, purple water; just amazing.
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About the Author: M.R. Merrick is a Canadian writer, and author of Exiled, the first instalment in The Protector Series. Having never travelled he adventures to far off lands through his imagination and in between cups of coffee. As a music lover and proud breakfast enthusiast, he's usually found at the computer, between a pair of headphones and in front of a large bowl of cereal.
You can find more on M.R. Merrick's books on Amazon, Goodreads, Kobo and Matt himself on Twitter, Facebook and his blog.
Great review & I couldn't agree more!